SupervagabondS au pays d'Israfil et Tarja
Notre premier voyage à deux canoës, à chacun son embarcation, à chacun ses méditations.
Ce carnet est dédié à ma fille Amélie,
parce qu'avant de partir j'avais, tout comme elle, sous estimé sa capacité à être vagabonde.
A l'heure de dérouler ce carnet, elle n'attends que de repartir ensemble avec son canoë.
Nous pensions que ce voyage serait bien différent de celui de 2017, effectivement il fut vraiment un cran au dessus, autant dans les émotions de notre relation père fille, qu'au travers des rencontres qui ont eu lieu.
Le titre est aussi un hommage parce que sans ma fille, sans Israfil et Tarja, il y aurait moins d’émotions dans ce carnet.
Ce carnet est aussi un cadeau de noël pour ma fille, parce qu'il n'est pas obligatoire de consommer à outrance pour lui démontrer que je l'aime.
Our first trip to two canoes, to each his own boat, to each his meditations.
This notebook is dedicated to my daughter Amélie,
because before leaving I had, like her, underestimated her ability to be a vagabond.
When she unrolls this notebook, she is just waiting to leave together with her canoe.
We thought that this trip would be very different from that of 2017, indeed it was really a notch above, as much in the emotions of our father-daughter relationship, as through the meetings that took place.
The title is also a tribute because without my daughter, without Israfil and Tarja, there would be less emotion in this notebook.
This notebook is also a Christmas gift for my daughter, because it is not compulsory to consume excessively to show her that I love her.
Ce carnet est dédié à ma fille Amélie,
parce qu'avant de partir j'avais, tout comme elle, sous estimé sa capacité à être vagabonde.
A l'heure de dérouler ce carnet, elle n'attends que de repartir ensemble avec son canoë.
Nous pensions que ce voyage serait bien différent de celui de 2017, effectivement il fut vraiment un cran au dessus, autant dans les émotions de notre relation père fille, qu'au travers des rencontres qui ont eu lieu.
Le titre est aussi un hommage parce que sans ma fille, sans Israfil et Tarja, il y aurait moins d’émotions dans ce carnet.
Ce carnet est aussi un cadeau de noël pour ma fille, parce qu'il n'est pas obligatoire de consommer à outrance pour lui démontrer que je l'aime.
Our first trip to two canoes, to each his own boat, to each his meditations.
This notebook is dedicated to my daughter Amélie,
because before leaving I had, like her, underestimated her ability to be a vagabond.
When she unrolls this notebook, she is just waiting to leave together with her canoe.
We thought that this trip would be very different from that of 2017, indeed it was really a notch above, as much in the emotions of our father-daughter relationship, as through the meetings that took place.
The title is also a tribute because without my daughter, without Israfil and Tarja, there would be less emotion in this notebook.
This notebook is also a Christmas gift for my daughter, because it is not compulsory to consume excessively to show her that I love her.
Quand : 24/06/19
Durée : 85 jours
Durée : 85 jours
Distance globale :
Dénivelées :
+3658m /
Alti min/max : 54m/258m
Carnet publié par SupervagabondS
le 10 oct. 2019
modifié le 22 juil. 2020
modifié le 22 juil. 2020
Coup de coeur !
13147 lecteur(s)
Vue d'ensemble
Le topo : Nav 8 / 19 Juillet (mise à jour : 27 déc. 2019)
Distance section :
Dénivelées section :
+123m /
Section Alti min/max : 104m/104m
Le compte-rendu : Nav 8 / 19 Juillet (mise à jour : 27 déc. 2019)
We are going back! The drone package should arrive in Padasjoki and not in Heinola.
We take this opportunity to try a passage that seems to be a shortcut.
We take this opportunity to try a passage that seems to be a shortcut.
This backtrack gave us a little because we will have to go back here again in a few days, but as it is the drone we are careful not to take it with philosophy !!
We take a break to ask the locals if the passage that I show him on the GPS is passable, without hesitation he nods strongly, we are then convinced that the shortcut exists.
It left with the certainty of being able to pass.
The wind picks up a little and disrupts your ability to stay focused, I can hear you yelling at him without being able to help laughing, but you know that I can also be furious with him sometimes !
You only doubt that you are not convinced, so goes all your life.
Arrived 200 meters from the end of the shortcut that allows us to reach Paijanne, nobody believes his eyes: Someone obstructed the passage with a footbridge which leads nowhere.
Not happy at all, I plague by deciding to use the energy of this anger to get the canoes out of the water without discharging anything: sweat guaranteed in three minutes. Once passed, we realize a hundred meters further that the passage is impossible: the bridge under which we had to pass was filled with earth and a simple concrete nozzle only allows water to pass.
We are going backwards when our objective is only a hundred meters away.
Coming back to the useless gangway, its owner is waiting for us and the discussion begins, very quickly he offers to take the canoes with his trailer to the nearby lake rather than letting us go back and complete 10 kilometers of detour.
We accept his help without hesitation, the lake suite is so close that we cannot refuse. you have to get everything out of the water and join your trailer. Then as in 2017, an Eero will help us.
When a Finn decides to offer you help, you can be sure that as a bonus, he will really do his best to help you resolve your concern.
Eero takes advantage of his retirement as an engineer in the petroleum field to gain the conviction that he is helping his fellow men.
point out to him that he wears the ideal t-shirt for this day !
When someone helps us, I always try to keep control of my decisions, especially when we haven't asked for anything. I don't want to let feelings take over my determination. If an error must be made, I prefer to be the author.
Eero spares no effort, he takes the 26-kilo battery and seems really sorry for us that the canoe trip is not possible. It was he who laid this bridge and although the passage is impossible under the bridge, he seems not to want to leave us in a feeling of defeat.
A real relocation of vagrants!
The distance is so short that our loading cannot be a challenge to the highway code.
The distance is so short that our loading cannot be a challenge to the highway code.
While Amélie is emptying the second canoe, we take the first one 200 meters away.
It takes 3 minutes to reach the suite.
Returning home, Eero wishes to present us his smoke sauna and therefore his best friend !
The smell of encrusted smoke is intoxicating. So tempting it is better to refuse.
We take the time to chat with Eero before leaving and we exchange our contact details, a cold beer would have tempted me but it is better to rehydrate before starting a last crossing of ten kilometers, under the sun which begins to decline.
Eero is happy to sign the Carnets d'Aventures in turn and this page seems to become the guest book of our fond memories.
This passage and the meeting of Eero will have lasted not far from five hours, all this time to advance 300 meters, but whatever.
Naked women bathe at the foot of a sauna, so I avoid confronting my sensitivity to so much beauty by pretending not to have heard their voices makre me.
Naked women bathe at the foot of a sauna, so I avoid confronting my sensitivity to so much beauty by pretending not to have heard their voices makre me.
The navigation ends at sunset and on a dream bivouac in Paijanne National Park.
The day also ends our feeling of wanting to savor more.
We stagger with fatigue.
The day also ends our feeling of wanting to savor more.
We stagger with fatigue.
It is midnight and we set up camp in the fervor of having lived such a day.
Amélie leads her journey and you regularly do more than me!
The energy of your age only allows you to spend it.
Amélie leads her journey and you regularly do more than me!
The energy of your age only allows you to spend it.
While I set up the tent, you take out the bags and all our necessities with a dozen round trips, I remain convinced that I prefer my task, less restrictive. You rarely complain, so when you claim, I stay very attentive.
We choose our location together, but we also depend on the sun which imposes its trajectory. Nothing is done at random even if everything seems to be part of the cosmos.
t is the pleasure of sharing our feelings about the past day with now, an emotional similarity that comes from traveling together.
Good night my daughter, because now you know all the efforts it takes to come to savor as much.
Good night my daughter, because now you know all the efforts it takes to come to savor as much.