SupervagabondS au pays d'Israfil et Tarja
Notre premier voyage à deux canoës, à chacun son embarcation, à chacun ses méditations.
Ce carnet est dédié à ma fille Amélie,
parce qu'avant de partir j'avais, tout comme elle, sous estimé sa capacité à être vagabonde.
A l'heure de dérouler ce carnet, elle n'attends que de repartir ensemble avec son canoë.
Nous pensions que ce voyage serait bien différent de celui de 2017, effectivement il fut vraiment un cran au dessus, autant dans les émotions de notre relation père fille, qu'au travers des rencontres qui ont eu lieu.
Le titre est aussi un hommage parce que sans ma fille, sans Israfil et Tarja, il y aurait moins d’émotions dans ce carnet.
Ce carnet est aussi un cadeau de noël pour ma fille, parce qu'il n'est pas obligatoire de consommer à outrance pour lui démontrer que je l'aime.
Our first trip to two canoes, to each his own boat, to each his meditations.
This notebook is dedicated to my daughter Amélie,
because before leaving I had, like her, underestimated her ability to be a vagabond.
When she unrolls this notebook, she is just waiting to leave together with her canoe.
We thought that this trip would be very different from that of 2017, indeed it was really a notch above, as much in the emotions of our father-daughter relationship, as through the meetings that took place.
The title is also a tribute because without my daughter, without Israfil and Tarja, there would be less emotion in this notebook.
This notebook is also a Christmas gift for my daughter, because it is not compulsory to consume excessively to show her that I love her.
Ce carnet est dédié à ma fille Amélie,
parce qu'avant de partir j'avais, tout comme elle, sous estimé sa capacité à être vagabonde.
A l'heure de dérouler ce carnet, elle n'attends que de repartir ensemble avec son canoë.
Nous pensions que ce voyage serait bien différent de celui de 2017, effectivement il fut vraiment un cran au dessus, autant dans les émotions de notre relation père fille, qu'au travers des rencontres qui ont eu lieu.
Le titre est aussi un hommage parce que sans ma fille, sans Israfil et Tarja, il y aurait moins d’émotions dans ce carnet.
Ce carnet est aussi un cadeau de noël pour ma fille, parce qu'il n'est pas obligatoire de consommer à outrance pour lui démontrer que je l'aime.
Our first trip to two canoes, to each his own boat, to each his meditations.
This notebook is dedicated to my daughter Amélie,
because before leaving I had, like her, underestimated her ability to be a vagabond.
When she unrolls this notebook, she is just waiting to leave together with her canoe.
We thought that this trip would be very different from that of 2017, indeed it was really a notch above, as much in the emotions of our father-daughter relationship, as through the meetings that took place.
The title is also a tribute because without my daughter, without Israfil and Tarja, there would be less emotion in this notebook.
This notebook is also a Christmas gift for my daughter, because it is not compulsory to consume excessively to show her that I love her.
Quand : 24/06/19
Durée : 85 jours
Durée : 85 jours
Distance globale :
Dénivelées :
+3658m /
Alti min/max : 54m/258m
Carnet publié par SupervagabondS
le 10 oct. 2019
modifié le 22 juil. 2020
modifié le 22 juil. 2020
Coup de coeur !
13145 lecteur(s)
Vue d'ensemble
Le topo : L'idée du voyage à deux canoës (mise à jour : 22 juil. 2020)
Description :
Nous sommes arrivés en Finlande le 30 Décembre 2018 avec l'intention de s'y installer, sans trop savoir comment.
Le délai pour cette tentative était fixé à trois mois.
J'avais bien expliqué à Amélie que l'on partait un peu vers l'inconnu, en gardant la possibilité de revenir en France.
Plutôt que de partir durant l'été, nous avons tout misé sur ce depart hivernal.
We arrived in Finland on December 30, 2018 with the intention of settling there, without really knowing how.
The deadline for this attempt was set at three months.
I had clearly explained to Amélie that we were going a little into the unknown, while keeping the possibility of returning to France.
Rather than leaving during the summer, we bet everything on this winter departure.
Le film de ce voyage :
Le délai pour cette tentative était fixé à trois mois.
J'avais bien expliqué à Amélie que l'on partait un peu vers l'inconnu, en gardant la possibilité de revenir en France.
Plutôt que de partir durant l'été, nous avons tout misé sur ce depart hivernal.
We arrived in Finland on December 30, 2018 with the intention of settling there, without really knowing how.
The deadline for this attempt was set at three months.
I had clearly explained to Amélie that we were going a little into the unknown, while keeping the possibility of returning to France.
Rather than leaving during the summer, we bet everything on this winter departure.
Le film de ce voyage :
Le compte-rendu : L'idée du voyage à deux canoës (mise à jour : 22 juil. 2020)
Lübeck, December 28, 2018.
We know exactly what to do to get on the ferry and we recognize all the employees of the shipping company.
We know exactly what to do to get on the ferry and we recognize all the employees of the shipping company.
The ferry is empty like the port, we discover the northern winter and its icy atmospheres.
Eero and Mirja know that we are coming, they are the ones who will help us to settle in Finland. To see their house appear at the end of the road after a year and a half of absence disturbs us.
We are deliberately destabilized, Eero and Mirja do not speak a single word of English and we know nothing of Finnish other than "Kiitos sydämestä": "Thank you from the bottom of my heart."
We are happy to see them again and as it is the end of year celebrations, we do not hesitate to give them a bunch of gifts. It is the pleasure of giving, because they have the joy of receiving us!
We love these people because their humanity has made us admit that there is always room to question one's own notion of tolerance.
We meet Vassili, a Ukrainian hired by Eero. We will work together for a few days in the snow and since he also stays with Eero and he only speaks Ukrainian, our relationship is only due to the desire that everyone has to want to understand each other.
This is our first winter in Scandinavia and we are like two tourists who marvel at how cold it is and how much snow there is. Our trailer is filled with stuff that has nothing to do with a canoe trip.
After a week, I realized that I would not find a job as easily as I hoped, then to be able to send Amélie to school I needed a job, it's the law!
So rather than imposing on our friends who really helped us, we asked to be able to go to the cabin that we had been loaned in 2017.
Casually, winter is a season that remains dangerous and the way to get to the cabin makes us admit that we must not do anything. In two months we planted the car twice off the road !
In this season it is very early night and the last 500 meters to the cabin are not cleared of snow, we must put our things in the canoe and pull it. The maneuver proves to be much more difficult than a portage because you also have to walk in the snow, sometimes you sink down to your knees. At the time of this image it is only 4 pm and the cold takes advantage of the darkness to act on our fears.
It takes three hours to thaw the interior of our nine square meter shelter, without water or electricity.
We stayed there for seven weeks writing a manuscript, forgetting everything else, getting up every day around noon and only living at night.
Time has passed so quickly in this isolation where the superfluous has no place.
We had to organize to maintain the lead batteries which allowed us to recharge the LED lamps, the notebook and the phones.
It was at this table that the idea of a trip with two canoes during the following summer was revealed.
Aware that we were going to return to France sooner or later, it was an opportunity to return to Finland with a second canoe.
We do not have the feeling of having to justify our desire to travel, it is better to take control of your freedom rather than to suffer it.
Aware that we were going to return to France sooner or later, it was an opportunity to return to Finland with a second canoe.
We do not have the feeling of having to justify our desire to travel, it is better to take control of your freedom rather than to suffer it.
The cabin protects us and allows us to keep ourselves alive, everything else is just outside.
We will come back to start a new trip next summer which will be for Amélie, the time to discover her abilities.
We will leave the canoe that we brought in the collapsed and decorated boat cabin.
We will come back to start a new trip next summer which will be for Amélie, the time to discover her abilities.
We will leave the canoe that we brought in the collapsed and decorated boat cabin.
How good it was to contemplate so much silence and to allow yourself to be overcome by the isolation of time lived.
You are now a real teenager, since sometimes you seem to consider that I am the same age as you !
And yet we did not manage to make our hole in Finland !
As soon as the manuscript was finished, it seemed to us that we had nothing more to do here: the snow was starting to melt seriously and we still had to find Amélie's canoe to prepare it.
We experienced this intense isolation as a chance to be able to better understand the importance of being together.
It was the night of the eclipse of the moon in late January.
It was the night of the eclipse of the moon in late January.
The water hole which also allowed us to drown in it all the bad thoughts that we did not want to cultivate.
We adapted to a situation by having the pleasure of never undergoing since the cabin has a sauna.
-25 ° is the indicator that allows you to start playing it "adventurers", however we are only simple travelers a little vagabond who prefer to admit that it is this life that we prefer.